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The teeth can also be hurt. The way to treat external injuries of the teeth

When a tooth falls out, what should we do? No matter what the cause is, it is best to go to dentist as soon as possible. At that time, you need to take the tooth that fell off with you because the it can still be implanted and restored.

Treating the tooth that fell off

It is important to bring the tooth that feel off to avoid contamination or dryness. Put it in a glass of saline solution or milk and take it to dentist.. If the tooth is still in the mouth, take it to the dentist and holding the tooth in place. The most important thing for tooth restoration is time and it should be taken to the dentist within 30 minutes ~ 1 hour to increase possibility of restoring the tooth. However, if a long time has already passed or the tooth that fell off is severely contaminated, it would be impossible to restore the tooth.

Store the tooth that fell off until it is replaced within 2-4 weeks. Until such time, the tooth is fixed firmly to the adjacent teeth. During this recovery time, try to eat soft and gentle foods and manage the tooth well so as not to apply force on it.

When a tooth is moving because of a shock

A treatment that fixes the hurt tooth to the adjacent teeth is given. A follow-up will be made 2-3 weeks later. If the tooth is dying, a nerve treatment is necessary.

When the alveolar bon is damaged.

If the condition is not severe, the fixation treatment is given and then the condition of tooth will be monitored. However, if the fracture is severe when checked with X-ray, the broken bone has to be connected through a surgery.

When a tooth is cracked or broken

If a crack is invisible, take time and monitor the condition. The conditions that require immediate medical treatment are when…

- the crack is visible
- there are symptoms of coldness or pain if the tooth is tapped or firmly closed.
- the root of the tooth is cracked

If there is a piece of the broken tooth, take the piece to the dentist for further treatment. If a tooth is slightly broken, the broken part can be grinded and trimmed. But if the damage is big, the tooth can be restored by using the adhesive Resin or treatment by covering with laminate (the material for pottery) can be used.

When the color of a tooth turns to black

The change of tooth color to black is a phenomenon that occurs when the blood vessels and nerves of tooth are damaged due to an external impact. Similar to a bruise on the skin, it is the bruise of a tooth. If the black color of the tooth lightens as time goes by, it is the sign that the tooth is recovering. However, if the color gets darker and stronger, it would require nerve treatment. After the nerve treatment, the tooth has to be covered to prevent further damage accompanied by a regular follow up.

There is a sensation of numbness or pain when chewing something even though there is no particular instance of impact. At that time, it is better to visit the dentist for further check up. Although it is invisible, it may be a sign of inflammation or a fine crack. Until the pain fades away, do not eat hard food, have something soft and brush the teeth well.


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