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The easiest and cheapest for everyone ? brushing teeth

Everyone wants to have healthy and beauty teeth. Entering the path to a healthy and beautiful tooth is not very difficult. By engraving the importance of teeth in heart and caring for the teeth and hygiene inside of the mouth, you can be a person with healthy teeth, away from any dental problems such as decayed tooth. Let’s take a look on the rules on how to maintain proper hygiene inside of the mouth.

The easiest and cheapest for everyone ? brushing teeth

The right way of brushing teeth that prevents generation of plaque
Experts say that the health of the teeth depending on the way of brushing the teeth, not the kind of toothpaste used. The most effective method to remove plaque is the right brushing of the teeth. This does not only remove plaque but also massages gums, accelerating the blood circulation in the gums thus making them stronger.
The areas that need extra care are between teeth and the boundary of teeth and the gums. Wipe down the deepest side of the gum with a toothbrush as if massaging. Tilt the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle, with the brush touching the surface of teeth, wipe down and shake the brush in a circular motion. At this time, it is effective to repeat the shaking motion 20 times per a tooth. Try to brush your teeth 3 times a day for more than 5 minutes, within 3 minutes after each meal.

[TIP] What is plaque?
It is the cause of various diseases of the gum and later, it develops as tartar. It is also called dental plaque. If not properly prevented and removed in advance cases, the mass of bacteria unites with other foreign substances and develops as plaque that cause various diseases in the gum.

Massaging the gums with fingertips is effective

When brushing your teeth, massaging the gums is also a good way for the healthy gums. It also is effective to massage the gums with your fingertips when it is hard to do it with a toothbrush.
Usually, the brushing towards each side wears out the boundary of the teeth and gums. This makes the side of teeth damaged and there may be a cold sensation felt in the teeth and gums when drinking cold water or facing cold wind. It is also not effective and not recommended to remove the plaque that is attached on teeth as it may hurt the gums.

It is also important to choose a right toothbrush. The head of the toothbrush should be small as a knuckle and with the elasticity of the brush should be little soft or medium soft. When extruding toothpaste, make sure the toothpaste is absorbed thoroughly between the hairs of the toothbrush.

Use dental floss to prevent plaque between teeth

Using dental floss is a one way to remove plaque. The plaque that is generated between the teeth cannot be completely removed with brushing. Thus, the dental floss serves as a supplementary device for plaque removal.
Dental floss is a straight silk thread and can be effectively used when the gap between teeth is not big enough. Cut the floss about 20cm and then wind it on the middle finger of both hands. After pulling the thread with either tips of the thumb or the index finger, put the floss between teeth and move it toward the chewing direction of teeth. The gap between teeth will not widen with the use of floss, so there is no need to worry.

The toothbrush that cleans the gap between teeth ? The interdentally brush is also good.

The interdentally brushing is a method of brushing using a tiny toothbrush that can clean thoroughly in between teeth. An effective way of cleaning a large area between teeth that is caused by periodontal diseases after their treatment. A person with a large gap between the teeth cannot clean the teeth on both sides with normal brushing. After the normal brushing, the interdentally brush has to be used. Position the interdentally brush between the teeth, clean the inner and outer surfaces of the teeth. Do not brush to hard as it may damage the gums. Finish of by rinsing with a gargling solution.

A gargling solution or medicated toothpaste that contains drugs against tooth decay, periodontal diseases and bad breath are helpful in removing plaque and prevent periodontal diseases. In fact, it is impossible to completely remove plaque by flossing alone. It is more effective to accompany brushing or flossing with medicated toothpaste or gargling solutions.

You have to brush your teeth and floss first, no matter the kind of medicated toothpastes or gargling solutions you use. There may be drug abuse and its side effect. Therefore, it is important to follow the direction of a medical professional before using such medicated toothpaste or gargling solutions to prevent periodontal diseases.

Regular checkup and scaling are essential

From 30s, people should have regular dental checkup. Prevention is better than treatment. If a person visits the dentist because of a pain without a prior regular checkup, it indicates a serious paradentitis. It is difficult to treat and it takes a relatively long time to restore the normal condition of the gums after the treatment.
No matter how a hard person brushes his/her teeth, plaque, tartar and discoloration due to nicotine, coffee or soft drinks on the surface of teeth cannot be removed with a common method.

Plaque, which is the cause of periodontal diseases, tartar and discoloration can be removed through scaling. It glosses the surface of teeth, refreshes the mouth and prevents periodontal diseases. A person who has a severe periodontal disease must especially undergo scaling to remove tartar.

A guide to have healthy teeth

1. Too much drinking, smoking and stress are the enemy of the healthy teeth. Try to monitor your physical health.
2. Having snack in between meals can hurt the health of the teeth.
3. Avoid too soft, sweet or artificial additive found in foods including instant foods. Eat grains, fruits and vegetables Instead since chewing such types of foods cleans the teeth.
4. Medications for gum-related diseases that are in the market are only supplementary and cannot primarilytreat the diseases themselves. Thus, try not to abuse the medicines.
5. Finally, remember that teeth are the most important organ in our body and do brush thoroughly.


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