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The males who dream of beauty are increasing. The male cosmetic surgery

About 20 years ago, people visited a plastic surgeon discreetly and carefully. However, today, having a cosmetic/plastic surgery is no longer a secret and a thing to hide. Moreover, it is regarded as a choice to enhance one’s value.

The desire of men to be beautiful is increasing. The male cosmetic surgery

The perception of people has changed gradually, and it became a popular product for both male and female. According to a research made in an organization, about 50% who visited the web-page of cosmetic surgeries were males. Such result reflected the interest of males in cosmetic surgery, and in fact 10~20% who receives treatment from a cosmetic surgery are males.

Cosmetic surgery for males before was to restore one’s damaged look after a terrible accident or to form an area that is now functioning well due to an innate or posterior factor. However, today cosmetic surgery for male is to soften one’s impression or to look more handsome.Such trend can be confirmed from the news of the President Noh who received double eyelid cosmetic surgery. There has been a favorable criticism that his eyes got bigger and he looked younger. Maybe from this moment, the combination of male and a cosmetic surgery, which is somewhat awkward, may have changed to a familiar one.

We do cosmetic surgery for this reason. The male cosmetic surgery

The areas that are frequently treated nowadays are fat removal under the eyes, breasts, hair implant, fat removal, nose, chin, and so on.

A man with a good impression. I will be the man!
The two major factors of male cosmetic surgery that have changed along with the trend are first having a surgery to get a good impression. Wanting to make a good impression and enhance one’s own value through a cosmetic surgery are some of the mindsets of males that undergo cosmetic surgery in 20’s~30’s.

A man with a good body shape. I will be the man!
Another thing on the trend of cosmetic surgery is its shift from face to body. Particularly, cosmetic surgery for hips is increasing along with the breast cosmetic surgery, and such trend reflects the psychology of males who want to be ‘a man with good body’ rather than ‘a man with handsome face.’

It is effective but there are still side effects to consider

Likewise, a moderate level of cosmetic surgery can increase one’s self-esteem as well as his value so that it works as a way to get a better job and meet good people. However, there may be side effect besides such merits; thus, it is recommended to consult with a medical professional for more careful decision.

In addition, the cosmetic surgery among males in their 20’s is showing the highest frequency today but that of 10’s is gradually increasing as well. The cosmetic surgery of 10’s whose bone structure is yet to be complete would cause unexpected negative results.


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