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Eye Procedure_Lasek

Eye Procedure_Lasek
ContentsCost($)operation time
Surgery method

By using special medicinal water, 50 micron of section of cornea epithelium is made

Laser is deposited with desired degree, cornea is cut

Cornea section is placed on the original location

1000-1250half to 1 hour + two hours of pre-surgery examination

No pain during surgery due to eye lotion anesthesia

Pain possible for 24 hours after surgery

Recovery of sightEyesight recovers gradually after three to four days since surgery
Recuperation periodFor about 2 to 4 months

Serious myopia with thin cornea can have surgery憍Surgery possible for small eyes

Blur of cornea or after-surgery pain is less than excimer laser surgery (PRK)

Strong against after-surgery shock, so easy to manage


More after-surgery pain than LASIK

Eyesight recovery is slower than LASIK

Surgery is more difficult

Preparation before surgery

Before surgery, for soft lens, one week and for hard lens 2 or 3 weeks are to be lens-free period so that cornea can come back to normal status as before wearing lens

Avoid drinking or working too hard the day before surgery and also avoid too much use of computer, reading and watching TV

Shower and bathing are possible several days after surgery so please take a shower right before the surgery

For women, please do not do eye make-up on before coming for surgery

Permanent wave or hair coloring is available after one month so do it before

Please arrive at the hospital 30 minutes before the surgery appointment

To avoid hair to touch eye after surgery, bring pins, hair band or cap

Wearing sunglasses right after surgery to prevent light or ultraviolet light can be helpful for recover

It is very difficult to ride a car right after surgery, so please accompany with a driver in case of brining car

Requirements after surgeryAfter surgery when putting eye-lotion, it is possible to have reinfection by virus if hand touches eye, so please wash hand with soap

Back to work is possible after three to five days, but if the nature of job requires delicate eyesight, it could be more than two weeks to go back to work

Eye wash is basically used on the day of surgery and please use following the eye wash description provided after surgery

For two weeks after the end of surgery, please use eye bandage provided by the hospital for sleep and sleep straight, don’t rub the eye.

From the date of surgery to one week after, do not let water drop into eye and wash face with wet towel and wash hair lying

Go to public bath after one week of surgery, and sauna or swim can be possible after four weeks

Basic make-up is available after three days, and eye shadow or mascara is possible after two weeks

Permanent wave is available after one month and hair coloring after two months

Please avoid reading books too long, watching TV or computer and driving long distance until full recovery

Exercise such as ball game, swimming or sauna is available after one month

Wearing sunglasses to prevent strong light or ultraviolet light is very helpful for the eyes

Do not let the eyes touch something and avoid closing eyes too hard

Drive carefully for the first few days after surgery and when glare is too much at night consult with the doctor

Food is not restricted, but please avoid coffee, cola, tea, or other caffeinated drinks and liquor for lower secretion of tear

Vitamin C helps recovery, so 1000mg per day for three month is suggested

For drinking, it increases chance to rub the eyes or injury, so please avoid drinking for three weeks

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