Medical Tourism in KOREA. World-class medical service. Reasonable price. After care by medical specialist. One-stop service.


Disease Treatment

Disease Treatment
OrganTreatmentOptionminimal recovery time
Stomach CancerEndoscopic Resection, Subtotal(Total)gastrectomy, Chemotherapy, Nuturitional SupportLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available10days
ObesityGasric Band Surgery, Gastric Bypass SurgeryLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available10days
Small BowelShort Bowel Syndrome --> Small Bowel Transplantantion2weeks
Colon and Rectum CancerUlcerative ColitisSegmental resection, Hemicolectomy, Total Colectomy, Anterior Resection, Low Anterior Resection, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy, Molecular-targeted TherapyTotal Proctocolectomy with Pouch AnanstomosisLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available10days
Anussurgery for Incontinence, Anal Cancer, Radiotherapy, Chemotherapy10days
Liver, HepatomaLiver resection, Interventional procedure such as Transarterial Chemoembolism,Liver transplantationLaparoscopic surgery is available2weeks
Gall Bladder and Bile ductCholecystectomy, Bile duct surgery, Endoscopic procedureLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available2weeks
HerniaHernia RepairLaparoscopic surgery is available3days
HeartHeart Transplantation, Valve Replacement, Coronary Artery Bypass Graft, Pacemaker2weeks
Lung CancerLobectomy, Chemotherapy, TomotherapyLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available1week
ArteryAneurysmectomy, Bypass Graft, Interventional procedure, Endovascular Surgery, Stent InsertionLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available1week
VeinVaricose Vein Removal3days
Breast Benign MassBreast CancerSurgical Excision, Mammotome Excision, Radiofrequency AblationBreast Conserving Surgery, Mastectomy and Reconstruction, Radiotherapy, ChemotherayHormonal Therapy, Molecular-targeted Therapy, TomotherapyEndoscopic surgery is available



Thyroid Gland(Benign and Cancer)Radiofrequency Ablation, Lobectomy, Total Thyroidectomy, RadioActive Iodine내Endoscopic and Robotic surgery is available5days
Adrenal Gland(Benign and Cancer)AdrenalectomyLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available5days
Joint(Shoulder, Knee, Hip)Arthroscopic Surgery, Total Replacement, Revision Surgery, Carpal tunnel Decompression2weeks
Spine(Lordosis, Scoliosis,Herniation of Intervertebral Disc, Spinal Stenosis)Correction, Fusion, DiscectomyEndoscopic surgery is available



HeightsLimb Lengthening Surgery3weeks
Uterus, VaginaAnterior Repair, Posterior Repair, Myomectomy, HysterectomyLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available1week
Cervical CancerRadical Hysterectomy, Radiotherapy, ChemotherapyLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available1week
FertilityIn Vitro Fertilization, Intrauterine Insemination
ProstateTransurethral Retrograde Prostatectomy for Benign Prostate HyperplasiaRadical Prostatectomy for Prostste CancerLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available1week
Kidney(stone, Renal Cell Cancer)Lithotripsy, Radical NephrectomyLaparoscopic and Robotic surgery is available10days
Brain TumorSurgery, Cyber Knife, Radiotherapy, Tomotherapy
Ear, Nose, ThroatSeptoplasty, Submucosal Resection, Tympanoplasty, TonsillectomyOption1week


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