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Pityriasis rosea (a cold of skin)

When the cool effect of the spring breeze appears to come with pollen and yellow sand or there is a big temperature difference in the morning and the evening, many people suffer from colds. If rashes appear within a few days or weeks after recovering from a cold, it is suspected to be skin problem caused by the cold. The major skin problems that are related to colds are as follows:

1. Erythema nodosum
2. Anaphylaxis purpura
3. Guttate Psoriasis
4. Pityriasis rosea

The following are some information about ‘Pityriasis rosea.’

Pityriasis rosea is a rash that has a pinkish color and oval shape. Usually, it appears on the trunk, arms and thighs of both young adult males and females. Sometimes, the rash appears on the hands, foot and scalp.

It may be itchy and there will be characteristic symptoms that follows one after another.
ⓐ 1 or 2 days later: Red rashes with 2~6 cm sized that is shaped like a leaf show up. They will naturally disappear after 1 or 2 weeks. Then same symptom occurs again.
ⓑ 3~10 days later: Numerous pinkish rashes with an oval shape whose size is more smaller than what previously appeared. The spots on the back are somewhat similar with the shape of a Christmas tree and are identical with the circle of the skin.
ⓒ 1 week later: Papulosquamous boundary shows up around the spots. Even though the symptom is minor, it lasts for about 1~2 months.

Cause, condition and physiology
It can be caused by a viral infection.

It is easy to figure out the illness because of its unique shape, but it requires the examination of a medical professional for a more detailed diagnosis, such as psoriasis or eczema.

It generally takes 6~8 weeks for natural recovery without the possibility of the illness to reoccur. Visiting a dermatologist at the start will easily treat the illness.

How to prevent
Keep a thorough personal hygiene such as in washing your hands for the illness not to come back.


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