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Prostatic Cancer


Prostatic cancer is a malignant tumor that is generated on the prostate. It has been reported that the whites and the colored ordinarily indicate high incidence as compared with the yellow race, but recently it has tended to increase even in Korea. In particular, latent carcinoma is observed in 40 to 50 percent of the aged who died from other diseases. The cancers, which clinically show symptoms, are widely observed between 40 and 80. Prostatic cancer is mostly generated around the outside of the prostate, which is near the membrane, and patients are mostly difficult to be conscious of subjective symptoms before metastasis. In addition to hormone therapy and surgical treatment, radiotherapy and estramstine-based chemotherapy have been continuously developed to remedy Prostatic cancer.

- Tumor Marker Test: PAP, PA and γ-Sm

- Other Examinations: Digital Rectal Examination, Biopsy, Ultrasonography, and Scintigram


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