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The cracked tooth, a tingling sensation in the teeth

If a person who has a healthy teeth claims to experience a tingling sensation and a dentist says nothing special about the symptom, then what should the person do? It seems he has a cracked tooth. This problem happens more frequently in middle-aged men in their 40s compared to females and young people. How can it be treated and is there a way to prevent it?

Suspicious symptoms of the cracked tooth

(1) At the beginning, there is a momentary tingling sensation at a specific area when chewing. It starts with such obscure sensation but later, the pain lasts even when not chewing anything.
(2) It hurts very much when it comes in contact with cold water.
(3) If the crack is severe, a patient can trace the crack by himself/herself.
(4) Usually, it occurs to the upper and lower molar that frequently chews food.
(5) Once it has developed to certain level, it hurts a lot and the pain becomes intense especially at night.
(6) If it hurts too much whenever teeth is touched, go to dentist immediately.

How does a cracked tooth happen?

The cracked tooth is a crack generated by excessive force applied to the teeth. In general, there may be a crack tooth to a healthy tooth if one keeps chewing on one side of the mouth.

If a person enjoys eating hard food or does not take good care of the teeth, it can be a major cause of a cracked tooth. This can happen no matter how well the person brushes his/her teeth. People who have brittle teeth or have a bad arrangement of teeth may have a cracked tooth.

How is the cracked tooth treated?

The crack that is generated on a tooth is very fine and delicate, so it is hard to find the crack in dental clinic without the use of machines to conduct a thorough examination. The cracked tooth cannot be restored therefore prevention is very important. For this reason, rather than completely restoring the cracked tooth, the treatment focuses on wrapping the tooth to stop further cracking. However, if the crack already reached the nerve, it needs to nerve treatment. In severe conditions, the tooth has to be taken out.

Let’s prevent the cracked tooth by following these ways.

(1) Chew with care when eating hard meat or dried food.
(2) Be careful when eating meat, hard cookies and fruits.
(3) Although you have a healthy set of teeth, never open a beverage bottle with the teeth.
(4) Do not use only one side on of the teeth when chewing. If too much pressure is given on one side, it eventually it cracks a tooth.


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