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Do you want to have white teeth?

When a toothpaste model or an entertainer who has white and well-arranged teeth shows up on TV, we often envy them. If a person has a nice set of teeth, his/her impression is neater, pleasant and his/her smile looks more beautiful. Likewise, the teeth are beyond the concern related to health, but are a critical thing in people’s impression. Nowadays, our teeth are suffering!

Teeth discoloration due to aging, eating habit and external injury.

As aging progresses, the color of the dentine gets yellowish and a condition for coloration or discoloration is created on the teeth.

Table luxuries such as coffee, tea, cigarette and soft drinks.
Coffee, tea and soft drinks have a lot of coloring ingredients that causes the yellowish color on the teeth when you drink them too much. In addition, cigarettes not only discolor the teeth but also threatens the health of the mouth.

When remnants of food accumulates between the teeth, it forms tartar and becomes the major cause of the teeth discoloration. When food has heavy artificial coloring ingredients, it becomes a source of teeth discoloration. A newspaper reported that after touching the imported Kimchee from China, a type of food with heavy artificial color, the red color on hands didn’t come off. This discoloration can also affect your teeth.

the antibiotics tetracycline, when taken during the period of having permanent teeth, causes teeth discoloration. Also, when taking a liquid type iron-supplement, the contact with the supplement may cause discoloration of the teeth.

Germs and plaque
Germs decompose calcium in the teeth and causes them to darken. Plaque also changes the color of teeth to yellow.

External injuries
When there is a strong impact to the teeth, the teeth becomes discolored because of the blood in the mouth. In addition, when cells and nerves are dead inside of teeth, there is not a big change at the beginning. But several months later, the only impacted teeth turns to black.

Good management for healthy teeth! Discoloration treatment for teeth whitening!

Do not smoke and avoid taking tetracycline antibiotics during the period of having permanent teeth. Also, when taking iron supplements, use a straw to avoid its direct contact with teeth. When injured, accompany treatment and examination from dentist immediately. Let’s take a look on other general methods of maintaining the health of the teeth.

Thorough teeth management
Most of all, maintaining the clean state of the teeth is very important. It is essential to keep the basic principle of brushing the teeth three times a day for three minutes and within three minutes after each meal.

Whitening Toothpaste
The effect of the whitening toothpaste will not be realized right after brushing the teeth, but it helps to whiten our teeth when used for a long period.

The peel of lemon and banana
When brushing the teeth, try to rub your teeth with the peel of lemon or banana to get a whitening effect. However, it is a temporary result from eroding teeth by using acid of the peel. Fundamentally, it is different from the true concept of tooth whitening that aims whitening the inside of the teeth.

One whitening method is scaling, which removes tartar and plaque in the mouth. However, this treatment has to be done regularly for you to get a healthy teeth. Although one may maintain the heath of the teeth by regular and thorough brushing, tartar and plaque can still accumulate in the mouth as time goes by. If the accumulation of such tartar and plaque continues, our gums gets swollen and the color of teeth changes. Therefore, scaling should be done regularly once in every 3~6 months, depending on the condition of the teeth. It is a way to have white teeth and maintain the health in the mouth.

The home Bleaching Treatment
This treatment makes the surface of teeth white as a way of whitening. It changes only color of teeth without any surgical intervention and can be used when the teeth discoloration is not severe. This treatment requires a patient to bite a cast to make a mold of the teeth. This is then filled with a substance called Carbamide peroxide. Usually, this treatment is done in the hospital as well as at home. A low strength treatment may take 6 hours when done at home. It only takes an hour when done in the hospital with a high concentration treatment. The treatment in the hospital is executed to reduce the overall whitening period at home. It is an easy method but takes long time to whiten the teeth.

The Laser Whitening Treatment
This treatment performed by a dentist is done by exposing the teeth under hot laser for about an hour and pasting highly concentrated hydrogen peroxide. This method is effective to whiten one’s teeth, but hydrogen peroxide may damage the gums or cause a cold sensation on teeth due to the hot rays of the laser.

The Plasma Whitening Treatment
This treatment was recently developed to compensate the weakness of the laser whitening treatment. It uses low concentration laser. Although it is expensive, the overall treatment can be done only 1-2 times because it’s great whitening effect.

There was a campaign shown on TV that prohibits smoking. In the campaign, an attractive woman got people’s attention but when she smiled and they saw her discolored teeth when she smiled, the people ran away. Like the story of the campaign, some people cannot quit smoking no matter how harmful it is. But there are also people who are not aware of how they got the teeth discoloration. In order to prevent such situations, keeping your teeth white and cleaning the teeth thoroughly are ways on how to save the teeth and keep your beauty. from:

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