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ft drinks, they attack the healthy teeth

The beverages that fill up the refrigerators in convenience stores, cold ice-cream after meals, and a glass of cold beer after work… As the weather gets hotter, they are the ones we seek more often. They make us forget the hot weather and gives vitality to our enervated body. They are positive, however, they are the poison to our body at the same time.

The sugar content of beverages is the major cause of tooth decay

Soft drinks such as coke and 7-up, have strong acid materials to make unique taste. This acid element can erode the surface of the teeth. When the level of acid in the mouth is lower than pH 5.5, the enamel layer that protects teeth starts to get damaged. The average level of acid found in soft drinks is about pH 2.5∼3.5. So when you constantly drink soft drinks, the enamel layer is melted as the result of reaction with the acid.

The ionic beverages have strong acid content as much as found in soft drinks. Moreover, both beverages contain sugar contents that are artificially made. They have small particles and when they stay longer on the surface of teeth, can be the major cause of a decayed tooth.

A glass of beer after work is one temptation that is hard to resist. It is perfect enough to get rid of the stress fromexperienced throughout the day. However, beer is still harmful to the health of the teeth.

In the middle of barley fermentation, a great amount of sugar is added. Thus when drinking beer, the remnants of sugar can remain on the teeth. If you drink beer with dried squid and peanuts, it gives double pressure to your teeth. Squid and peanuts are tough, as a result, teeth can wear out while chewing them.

Iced coffee after meal awakens people who are exhausted from the hot weather. However, sugar contents such as sugar, syrup and whipped cream that are mixed with coffee increases the level of acidity in the mouth. This builds germs that cause tooth decay or periodontal diseases.

The brown color in coffee causes discoloration as well. The surface of the teeth look smooth but there are very fine holes on them.Therefore, drinking colored beverages such as coffee discolors teeth as the color from beverages penetrate into the fine holes on teeth.

Ice cream, children’s all-time favorite, gives excessive stimulation to the gums and teeth those results to a cold sensation on the teeth. Especially, when the gum is damage or the surface of teeth is worn out, such symptom could be intense. There may be external injuries such as breakage or shaking of a tooth when eating a hard Popsicle.

Maintain the health in the mouth by rinsing with fresh water and chewing vegetables

Then what should we eat? Of course, it does not mean to not eat such foods at all. However, with some simple steps, the damage of teeth can be relatively be decreased.

If you have to drink beverages that contain artificial additives to cope with hot and humid weather, don’t let them stay long in the mouth. It is best to rinse the mouth after drinking coffee or soda, but if you can’t, gargle with water to remove remnants of the sugar content. It is also a good idea to drink with a straw. Drinking with a straw diminishes the contact area of the beverage on teeth compared to drinking directly from the glass. Thus, it can reduce the frequency of having a decayed tooth.

If possible, it is good to quench your thirst with cool fresh water, fruits or vegetables. Cool fresh water is not only good to quench your thirst but also to the teeth because there is no artificial additive in water.

Besides fresh water, drinking a cold cup of barley tea, green tea and persimmon leaf tea are good too. Especially the green and persimmon teas, they helpful in maintaining the health of the teeth because of the ingredient against tooth decay. However, color from the tea may remain, so it is a good idea to rinse the mouth with fresh water after drinking tea.

The fiber-rich fruits and vegetables, such as a peach, pear, tomato and carrot are good for the health of the teeth as well. While chewing them, they help clean the surface of the teeth. It is also effective in preventing bad breath as they massage the skin inside the mouth.


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