Medical Tourism in KOREA. World-class medical service. Reasonable price. After care by medical specialist. One-stop service.


Land & Climate

The Korean peninsula extends southward from the eastern end of the Asian continent. Of the total area of 99.268 sq km (38.328 sq mi) 70% is covered with mountains, making the peninsula one of the most mountainous regions in the world. The highest peak is located on the island of Jeju: Halla-san (1,950 m/6,398 ft).

Korea has four distinct seasons. Located in the temperate zone, the summers are hot and rainy while the winter is cold and dry. The average temperature range in January is -7° to 1°C (19° to 33°F), and in July it is 22° to 29°C (71° to 83°F).

In spring and early summer (March-May) mostly sunny days can be expected. The monsoon lasts about 1 month, from the end of June to late July, but rainfall can be expected till the end of September. In Seoul, approximately 1,370 mm (54 in) of rain can be expected.

The coming of fall in late September brings continental winds and clear, dry weather, making the fall months the most pleasant time of year. The change of fall is a picturesque view.


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